
Collections are the container of things that contains a random number of elements.
  • Collections are containers of things.
  • These containers can be Sequenced, Linear set of items like List, Tuple, Map etc.
  • Collections may have an arbitrary number of elements or be bounded to Zero or one element.
  • The Scala collection classes are part of scala.collection package and its sub packages.

Scala collections can be of two types basically:

Mutable Collection
  • These collections are part of scala.collection.mutable package.
  • With these collections, we can add, remove or modify data.
Immutable Collection
  • These collections are part of scala.collection.immutable package.
  • This doesn’t allow to modify the data.
  • Scala imports this package by default.
  • To use mutable collection, we need to explicitly import the mutable package
    in code.
  • Any change in an immutable collection, produces a new collection without
    modifying the existing collection. 

Most Common Collection types are –

  • List
  • Map
  • Set
  • Tuple
  • Iterators
 Following is the hierarchy of all collections in package scala.collection

General collection hierarchy

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